Ellis Lariviere Obituary: Cause Of Death Linked To Suicide

Ellis Lariviere obituary, death details, and cause of death have been the topics that people have been discussing since it was reported that the young man had lost his life. His sad death has been linked to suicide; is it actually the case?

Did Ellis Larivieri die by suicide?

We will delve into the issue to find out what the details are.

When someone so young dies, as a result of suicide as is being reported, it is a sad moment, and it makes you wonder why such a young boy, 13, would commit suicide.

So, what really was Ellis Lariviere cause of death?

Ellis’ Death: Cause of Death

The reason people are asking about Ellis Lariviere obituary is because he has lost his life, what happened?

Ellis has died, and many people want to know what killed him. Ellis, a 13-year-old eighth-grader, committed suicide.

He was famous because he was a charming child who was adored by all.

His name is becoming more popular online as word of his death spreads.

People began sending him condolences after learning of his tragic death.

Furthermore, his death has already been reported on by other media outlets.

Despite this, none of them have discussed the specifics of his death.

As a result, everyone is intrigued by it. Continue reading to learn more about Ellis Lariviere’s obituary information.

Why would a boy as young as 13 years old commit suicide?

Reportedly, he committed suicide after being denied admission to Saint Ann’s private school for ninth grade, and he has filed a lawsuit against the school and its trustees.

Lariviere had dyslexia and attention deficit disorder, according to the Times, and his parents alleged that the stringent standards at the premium Brooklyn school were directly responsible for their son’s death.

Are there details yet about Ellis Lariviere obituary?

We will find out.

The 13-year-old also reportedly had dyslexia and attention deficit problem, and his parents believe that the school’s restrictions were directly responsible for their son’s death.

Ellis Lariviere was in the eighth grade and attended the famous private school Saint Ann’s in Brooklyn Heights.

Teachers at an arts-focused school recognized him as an “abundantly talented” artist who had a beneficial impact on the children in his lessons.

He had school friends and an elder sibling who was successful.

Ellis enjoyed cooking for his family and hoped to one day work as a chef.

He also suffered from dyslexia and attention deficit disorder, which made it difficult for him to write down complex thoughts.

Ellis Lariviere Obituary

After reportedly dying through suicide, there are no details yet about young 13-year-old Ellis Lariviere obituary as his family mourns.

It is a sad moment for the family, who need some privacy to get things done to ensure they give him a good burial.

Meanwhile, young Ellis Lariviere parents are now suing the school.

The 13-year-old committed suicide in his family home in Red Hook, Brooklyn, three months after the school expelled him.

Ellis’ parents have been left perplexed by the school’s lack of assistance for pupils with academic distinctions and ability, despite the fact that they have no grades to base it on.

The lawsuit claims that Saint Ann’s rules and choices, as well as those made by school administrators, were negligent in their treatment of Ellis.
