Ward Cameron Outer Banks: How The Character Became An Unforgettable Villain!

On Netflix’s Outer Banks, Ward Cameron is the patriarch of the Cameron family and one of the wealthiest people around. Because he came from nothing, he began the series as a loving, devoted parent, a kind neighbour, and someone who gave back to the neighbourhood. But as the show continued (up to this point), it revealed Ward’s true colours.

Like his daughter Sarah and the Pogues, a group of pals who reside in The Cut, Ward was searching for millions of dollars’ worth of gold from the Royal Merchant, which had sunk. And it found out that in order to collect the gold, he would kill everybody who stood in his way. Ward is the brains behind everything, despite the fact that many people see his son Rafe as the ultimate villain.

He Blamed John B. For The Murder When It Was Rafe

Rafe’s fatal shooting of Sherrif Peterkin was the first indication of Ward’s corrupt behaviour. To place Ward under arrest for the killing of John B. Sr., Peterkin arrived at the airport. Rafe killed Peterkin to keep his dad safe and keep Ward out of jail.

In response, Ward failed to revive Peterkin and blamed John B. rather than his son. From there, despite the fact that Rafe was the actual murderer, a massive search for John B. was conducted throughout the Outer Banks. After this, Ward was regarded as one of the worst personalities on the Outer Banks because he blamed an innocent adolescent when his son was the real offender. Fans were shown where his priorities were by the fact that he didn’t even feel bad about wrecking John B.’s life.

He Fed Two Men To The Sharks

In season 1, two mysterious bad guys visited the Outer Banks in search of John B. Srcompass. .’s The two were willing to inflict harm on anyone who stood in their way, wreaked havoc on the town, and destroy homes. But then the two vanished without a trace. Two bodies washed up on the strand, the coroner informed Sherrif Peterkin over the phone later. It was believed that sharks were to blame for the men’s deaths at sea, however this was untrue.

The coroner recognised the victims and noticed that they had physical evidence of a struggle on their bodies. Later, it was revealed that Ward had employed the men and then killed them when they got too close to the treasure. Who knows what he will end up doing in season 3 to put the Pogues out of his misery once and for all because his growing hunger has undoubtedly taken him down a bad path.

He Killed Shot And Killed An Innocent Man

The Pogues were teenagers, but they were smarter than Ward and his sinister tactics. They finally learned that Gavin, the pilot on the tarmac, was a second witness to Sherriff Peterkin’s murder.

Gavin received a cryptic call from The Pogues informing him that they had him covered. Gavin was so alarmed by this that he called Ward and demanded additional money in exchange for his quiet regarding the murder. Gavin acknowledged having the murder weapon—which was covered in Rafe’s prints—when he met Ward. Ward murdered Gavin and grabbed the murder weapon in order to solidify his status as the show’s antagonist and astound viewers globally.

He Makes It Obvious That Sarah Is His Favorite Child

Ward and Sarah during the OBX midsummer celebration Ward has three children, Rafe, Sarah, and Wheezie. He makes it clear that Sarah is his favourite of the three. He does not, however, show Sarah the same level of love and respect as he does Rafe and Wheezie. Rafe grew increasingly envious of his father’s love for Sarah as he observed it and said that he would murder for his father’s adoration.

Additionally, Wheezie was shoved to the side by Ward, who hardly even recognised her. He may have started Rafe’s downfall by picking a favourite child and ignoring the needs and feelings of his other kids. In Season 3 of Outer Banks, it will be interesting to observe how this relationship shifts.

He Took John B’s. Hard Work And Stole The Gold

The Pogues haven’t always made the best choices when visiting the Outer Banks, but when they realised the treasure was hidden in a dilapidated home occupied by an elderly woman who had trouble seeing and hearing, they knew they were onto something.

The gold was hidden beneath the ground in the basement when the Pogues broke into the house in the middle of the night. Ward, on the other hand, learned what the Pogues were planning, broke into the house thereafter, took the gold (and their labour) and hidden it somewhere else. The baddies consistently foil the heroes in this story, just like they do on any other television programme. Although Ward might have prevailed this time, the Pogues weren’t going down without a fight.

…And His Altercation With John B. Was Manipulative

Ward was furious when he saw how near John B. was to locating the treasure. The fact that a teen was ahead of him in proximity to the gold infuriated Ward. John B. fled from Ward after realising how dangerous and cunning he was, despite Ward’s attempts to negotiate.

After their altercation, Ward wanted to blame John B. but decided against it because of how it would make him appear to others. To put John B. on the defensive and paint him as the villain, he used a graff hook to stab himself. Fans weren’t expecting this and found it unexpected; they didn’t think he was as cunning and calculating. It was concerning that he was so intent to frame John B.

The Altercation With John B. Senior Started His Downfall

Surprisingly, Ward’s evil deeds didn’t begin with his son’s murder of Sherrif Peterkin; rather, they began over a year earlier with the disappearance of John B.’s father, John B. Sr. John B. said to the cameras that his father was lost at sea while out looking for treasure. John B. believed he was still alive even though everyone else thought he had passed away.

John B. discovered that Ward and his father were actually searching for the gold collectively the more investigation he did on it. And in a violent altercation gone wrong, John B. Sr. suffered a head injury as a result of a fight between Ward and John B. Sr. After realising that he had “killed” him, Ward threw the man overboard. Fans recognised at this point that Ward was beyond saving; Outer Banks people had thought of John B. Sr. as a serious yet likeable man, so for Ward to not assist him was abhorrent. Whatever they were disputing over, he ought to have assisted John B. Sr. rather than shoving him overboard.

The Real Reason He Became A Guardian For John B.

In order to learn more about Denmark Tanny, John B. realised he needed to visit Chapel Hill’s history library. Since Sarah’s family had generously contributed a number of relics to the school, he invited her to accompany him.

When Ward learned that Sarah and John B. were approaching the gold, he intended to keep his adversaries near. John B. was practically an orphan, and Ward immediately assumed guardianship of him and brought him into their home. He took this action in an effort to learn more about the gold. John B. trusted him, thus the manipulation strategy was altered. On Reddit, some Outer Banks fans speculate that Ward’s role as John B.’s legal guardian will resurface in season 3.

Ward Tried Killing His Own Daughter When He Realized She Was Turning Her Back On The Family

Sarah Cameron (Ward’s daughter), who was on the run with John B. at the time because he was wanted by the police for allegedly killing Sherrif Peterkin, accompanied him. They were in love, and she understood that while her brother and father were at fault, John B. was innocent. They were willing to die together in order to hide from her family, which made their romance popular.

In a storm, the two were lost at sea, and they were later thought to be dead. However, Ward was relieved to learn that his daughter was still alive. That is, until he learned Sarah was prepared to abandon her family, blame Rafe, and save her boyfriend in exchange for his rescue. Ward attempted to murder Sarah when he sensed she was going to turn him and Rafe in. He was on an unethical road when he attempted to murder someone, and the fact that it was his daughter—whom he purported to love—made the crime much more heinous.

Divesh Solanki
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Being a binge-watcher himself, finding Content to write about comes naturally to Divesh. From Anime to Trending Netflix Series and Celebrity News, he covers every detail and always find the right sources for his research.
