Priscilla Presley Wrote Up Scientology Knowledge Report on Daughter, Lisa Marie, Snitching On Her

Priscilla snitched on her daughter to the Church…

Scientology is a snitching culture. It’s an interrogation culture. And all Scientologists know that if they see someone breaking the rules — even their own loved ones — they are expected to write up a report about it which is known as a “Knowledge Report” or “KR” for short.

Leah Remini has talked about how natural it was, for example, to write a KR about her own husband, turning him in for doing something “out-ethics,” Scientology jargon for doing something against regulations.

Over the years, we’ve shown you many KRs, including some written about Leah Remini by her friends when they realized that she was beginning to slip away from the church.

So, KRs are pretty familiar to us. But this one was truly stunning.

It is a Knowledge Report written by Priscilla Presley around the year 2000, and the person she is turning in for out-ethics is her own daughter, Lisa Marie Presley.

It’s a five page document, and it’s fascinating not only for the things Priscilla accuses her daughter of doing, but that it is so wrapped up in Scientology lingo.

It’s amazing to see Priscilla Presley talking like any other L. Ron Hubbard-obsessed Scientologist about “gains” and “nattering” and “cycles of action” and “things that shouldn’t be.”

At the time, both Lisa Marie and Priscilla were heavily involved in Scientology. (We’ve detailed how Lisa Marie subsequently pulled away from the church and broke away entirely in 2014. We believe that Priscilla also left at that time, but she has denied it in press reports.)

The KR was written during the brief time that Lisa Marie was engaged to musician John Oszajca. Priscilla was still seeing producer Marco Garibaldi (they broke up in 2006).

Priscilla’s concerns are mainly that Lisa Marie is not very loyal, that she is gabby with outsiders and says things that make Priscilla very uncomfortable. In other words, the document seems to mainly reflect the concerns of a mother who is unhappy that her famous child is not more considerate about her feelings.

Nothing in the document is particularly outrageous. We find it mostly interesting because it’s so instructive to see a Scientology celebrity using the Scientology lingo and caught up in the mindset. So often we find that people seem to be under the impression that celebrities involved in Scientology aren’t indoctrinated the way other members are. So this document really addresses that well.

So why don’t we show it to you?
