Colin Myron Chicago and Colin Myron obituary

The Chicago community is grieving the unexpected loss of Colin Myron, who passed away on October 22, 2023. Though details of his passing are unknown, Colin leaves a legacy of selfless volunteer work and generosity that touched countless lives. He will be dearly missed by family, friends and the many organizations he supported.

Early Life

A longtime Chicago resident, Colin Myron grew up in the area and planted his roots here as an adult. He was an active, engaged member of the community who constantly looked for ways to give back and help others.

Committed Volunteer

Colin was best known for his dedicated volunteer work with Honor Flight Chicago, an organization that flies veterans to Washington DC to view memorials. He contributed his time and energy to their mission for many years.

From the Lincoln Park offices to event fundraising, Colin could always be counted on to volunteer wherever needed. His personal connections helped expand Honor Flight Chicago's reach substantially.

Selfless Service

Friends say Colin never hesitated to drop everything when called upon, always responding "whatever you need." He eagerly served as a bus captain during flights, spending the day assisting veterans.

This selfless commitment perfectly represents Colin's spirit of service. He gave freely without seeking praise or credit.

Lasting Impact

Honor Flight Chicago shared that Colin captained the Green Bus during a flight on October 22nd, just days before his shocking passing. He spent the afternoon celebrating with fellow volunteers, doing what he loved.

The program will deeply feel Colin's absence. But his legacy burns bright through every veteran who benefitted from his help over the years.

Bringing People Together

Colin had an uncanny ability to connect people and foster community. From small talk to deep conversation, he made everyone feel included with his gregarious nature.

These bonds Colin nurtured leave a lasting mark. His ability to unite people through volunteerism represents the best of Chicago.

Honoring His Memory

While nothing can fill the void left by Colin's passing, Chicagoans will ensure his legacy endures by honoring his giving spirit.

Carrying on his ethos of service above self is the greatest way to pay tribute. Colin exemplified generosity and selflessness until the very end.

Though gone too soon, his giving nature lives on through the many lives he touched across Chicago over the years. Colin gave his best to the community, which now grieves his absence but celebrates his life.
