Who is Wanda Palmer and what became of her? After coming up from a coma that lasted two years, a wom

Wanda Palmer was discovered in her West Virginia home on June 10, 2020, by lawn mower operators who saw her lying unconscious in a pool of her own blood. There were no suspects, no leads, no witnesses, and no weapons. There were also no witnesses. The police did not have high hopes for Palmer’s recovery from her injuries because she had sustained severe head trauma as a result of the incident.

While speaking about the victim, Jackson County Sheriff Ross Mellenger reportedly said the following, as reported by WHCS:

“That morning, I would not have risked even a quarter on the possibility of her life. She was in such poor physical condition. To tell you the truth, she was knocked out and her medical condition was deteriorating rapidly. There was a significant amount of blunt force trauma to the skull, which is consistent with an injury caused by a machete or hatchet.”
Wanda Palmer, on the other hand, experienced a miraculous recovery after being in a coma for the previous two years. On June 27, 2022, she began to mutter words, and by the time authorities chose to visit her nursing home in Wetzel County, Palmer had recovered sufficiently to immediately identify her brother as her assailant. Palmer was able to do this because she had started to mutter words on June 27. Daniel Palmer, age 55, was taken into custody by the police on July 15, just a few days after this incident took place.

Daniel Palmer was charged with attempted murder and malicious wounding of his sister, according to a post that the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department published on Facebook on Friday. The statement added that his sister was “attacked, hacked, and left for dead.” Daniel Palmer was arrested and charged.

Daniel Palmer was taken into custody on accusations of attempted murder as well as hurting someone on purpose.

The authorities were under the impression that he had attacked his sister with a knife or hatchet.

In the year 2020, Eileen Palmer, the mother of the victim, was the one who went to the police to report that her daughter had been attacked. After lawn mowers discovered Palmer injured in her house in Ravenswood, they hurriedly informed Eileen, who lived in close proximity to her daughter’s residence in Ravenswood. During an interview, Eileen stated the following to WTAP:

“They arrived on Wednesday morning to cut her grass, and upon their arrival, they discovered her lying in a pool of blood. They said that they sped up the hill and told us, at which point I contacted the authorities.
After being taken to the hospital, Wanda Palmer lapsed into a coma there. In spite of the early suspicions, the authorities were unable to find any concrete evidence linking her brother to the crime. Mellenger was quoted as saying to the West Virginia MetroNews:

“We had a glimmer of a notion as to what took place, but when it came to the nuts and bolts of the case, we were completely at a loss. There were no witnesses who saw what happened. There is no evidence of anyone having lived in the house, including no surveillance footage or cell phone records. There was almost nothing there that could be used to drive the conversation forward.

After waking up from a coma two years later, Wanda Palmer is said to have identified her brother Daniel Palmer as the one who viciously attacked her on June 10th, 2020. This occurred after she had been in a coma for two years.

The fact that Palmer was able to recognise the person who attacked her has removed the last remaining shroud of mystery around the incident. Daniel Palmer was reportedly “combative” while being arrested, and his arraignment took place at the sheriff’s office. This information was provided by WCHS. According to additional accounts, he was transported to a hospital in order to be examined there.
Reports indicate that Wanda is now lucid and can communicate, although she is unable to hold discussions that are more than a few sentences long.
